Medical journals provide the stage where medical
science, basic research, and clinical reviews are cast.
IPOKRATE offers you the opportunity to be informed in
real-time about all the relevant publications in your
field. All articles listed on the IPOKRATE platform are
from peer-reviewed journals. They can be original,
review, or basic research articles. Vital information for
each article includes; authors, affiliated institutions, DOI
number, abstract, and more. Articles can be searched
for by; medical keywords, authors' names, or the name
of the journal. More importantly, a direct intra-mail link
allows you to comment or to ask the main author
relevant questions.
Become a member of the IPOKRATE community and
benefit from access to impactful scientific works as well
as to their creators in order to gain more meaningful
insights. It also allows you to publicize your scientific
work for the benefit of your medical community.