Latest Medical Articles, Congresses & Events

Events, hands-on and training courses are regularly organized in the medical field. Besides the theoretical aspect of learning Medicine, training sessions and courses supervised by seniors are of crucial importance allowing trainees to follow the different steps and the right way they should do the therapeutic procedure. Simulation of technical intervention, particularly in surgery and in interventional medicine is mandatory for everyone to acquire the right gesture before going into its clinical application. These courses represent the opportunity to learn directly from the seniors and to get their tips and tricks.
Medical specialty congresses provide a physical medium for expert physicians to impart their knowledge and experience to junior colleagues and trainees. Through lectures and panel discussions, the masters help the young surgeon to fast-track the development of their knowledge and clinical skills. Likewise, it also provides young physicians with the medium to share their research and academic work, which ultimately leads to innovation and pushes the field forward. Congresses also allow industry sponsorship, and in return, the industry is able to showcase the latest medical technologies and innovations. Become a member of the IPOKRATE community and get the opportunity to participate in the conferences you are interested in, and to learn from others or to let others benefit from your expertise.
The main mission of doctors is to treat patients and to ease their suffering. Sharing your clinical experiences and innovations not only allows you to make your mark on the greater medical community but also allows your colleagues and patients alike to benefit from them. Think of our networking platform as the Instagram of medical sharing. Rest assured that all contributions to IPOKRATE are maintained and archived so that your contributions through text, images, or videos are always attributed to you, the creator. Become a member of the IPOKRATE community and share your clinical cases to let others benefit from your expertise or to interact with experts to help you better treat your patients.
Power Point Presentations provide one of the major tools to display works and ideas at scientific conferences, medical events, and meetings. The basic format is organized into sections of; literature review, current state of scientific knowledge, research techniques and procedures, and finally results and conclusion. How liberating to your audience if your watermarked presentations are available to them to review at their leisure, thus freeing them up to focus on you during your live presentation. Become a member of the IPOKRATE community and share your expertise with the medical community becoming a main actor of the scientific and medical progress.
Medical journals provide the stage where medical science, basic research, and clinical reviews are cast. IPOKRATE offers you the opportunity to be informed in real-time about all the relevant publications in your field. All articles listed on the IPOKRATE platform are from peer-reviewed journals. They can be original, review, or basic research articles. Vital information for each article includes; authors, affiliated institutions, DOI number, abstract, and more. Articles can be searched for by; medical keywords, authors' names, or the name of the journal. More importantly, a direct intra-mail link allows you to comment or to ask the main author relevant questions. Become a member of the IPOKRATE community and benefit from access to impactful scientific works as well as to their creators in order to gain more meaningful insights. It also allows you to publicize your scientific work for the benefit of your medical community.
Video Presentations have become an essential tool for transmitting scientific and medical information, especially when it comes to a surgical operative technique or interventional diagnostic procedure where hand gesturing is an essential element of its execution. Become a member of the IPOKRATE community and share your videos to spread your expertise, your know- how, and your ideas and innovations with the medical community and become the main character in your scientific and medical progress.