Ramon Llull, Adam J. Katz, J. Peter Rubin, William Futrell, Ricardo Rodriguez, Ivona Percec
- The theme of this year's meeting is The Biology of Aging: Therapeutic Interventions.
- Latest developments will be presented on MSK, PRP, Exosomes, and FDA Regulatory Issues.
- Fourteen sessions of Free Papers, including the top six scoring papers, will be incorporated resulting in a Best Paper Award.
- Guest speakers from the US and abroad will be featured
- The annual Industry Showcase on Thursday will present the latest product innovation by twelve featured companies
- Our traditional Lunch & Learn program will promote interaction with experts in small group discussions during lunch
- The annual dinner will be held at Mastro's Ocean Club where conference attendees, guests, and sponsors can gather
You can be sure that this IFATS Conference in Fort Lauderdale, Florida will be another unforgettable experience with great scientific learning, discussion, and social interaction.